Public Asked To Provide Feedback On Hazard Mitigation Activities

San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) is seeking public input on its Hazard Mitigation Plan. The plan is one part of an effort to reduce the impacts of natural hazards.

Over the past two years, SBCUSD staff and key stakeholders have developed a plan to assess the risk of natural hazards to SBCUSD and identify appropriate actions to reduce the impacts. In addition to potentially reducing repetitive damages to school infrastructure, a viable plan makes SBCUSD eligible for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants under the Hazard Mitigation Assistance program. A public draft of the plan is now available for review at

“Not only will a Hazard Mitigation Plan improve SBCUSD’s chances of receiving grant funding for building modifications, but having a well-developed plan in place can allow the District to respond more quickly and efficiently to a natural hazard,” said Eric Vetere, Safety and Emergency Manager for SBCUSD.

Mitigation actions range from increased public education and awareness efforts to actual structural projects. Structural projects could include flood control infrastructure, building modifications, or utility upgrades intended to lessen the impacts of natural hazards.

SBCUSD is  accepting comments on the Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan through June 22. To view and comment on the draft plan, please visit

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