Middle College High School Wins the California Department of Education’s Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award

(l-r) Middle College High Linked Learning Program Specialist Grace Navarro, Principal James Espinoza, SBCUSD Superintendent Mauricio Arellano and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Dr. Marcus Funchess celebrate Middle College High School winning a California Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award.
(Photo by Corina Borsuk and provided courtesy of SBCUSD)

SAN BERNARDINO, CA—Middle College High School (MCHS) in the San Bernardino City Unified School District (SBCUSD) earned a California Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award from the California Department of Education (CDE).

CDE launched the California Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award in 2023 to honor middle college high schools, early college high schools and alternative education schools that offer exceptional programs that allow high school students to be concurrently enrolled in both high school and college courses. Schools must demonstrate equity, strong college partnerships, positive student outcomes based on available data, as well as other factors.

MCHS is one of only nine schools statewide and the only one in San Bernardino County to earn the award in 2024. MCHS accomplishments from the 2022–2023 school year include:

100 percent graduation rate

100 percent completion rate for A–G courses, which are required for students to qualify for UC admission

100 percent of graduates were accepted to a four-year college or university

48 percent of graduates also earned an associate’s degree at the same time as their high school diploma

Since opening in 2001, Middle College has offered SBCUSD high school students a chance to take both high school and community college courses at the same time, with the potential to earn an associate’s degree by the time they graduate high school. Unlike SBCUSD’s comprehensive high schools, MCHS does not have traditional attendance boundaries. Students apply to attend the high school, which is located right next to San Bernardino Valley College. Although any SBCUSD student may apply, MCHS targets students who would be the first in their family to attend college, have good attendance and who show high academic potential that they are not currently meeting.

About San Bernardino City Unified School District:

The San Bernardino City Unified School District is California’s eighth-largest school district and is dedicated to providing a high-quality education that prepares students for college, career and life. With a focus on equity, excellence and empowerment, the District serves a diverse student population in the San Bernardino and Highland communities. For more information about SBCUSD, visit http://www.sbcusd.com and follow the District @SBCityUSD on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube and LinkedIn.

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